Will today be the day you make a will? Death is a certainty of life, so preparing for when that certainty eventuates by visiting a solicitor to prepare a will makes good sense. Wills drafted by our Wills and Estate Lawyers Sydney and NSW are neither expensive, complicated or time consuming. While you meet with us we will explain to you the importance of making a will, draft a legally valid will which ensures your wishes are recorded correctly and also explain to you the benefits of other estate planning documents such as Powers of Attorney and the appointment of an Enduring Guardian. We operate one of the largest privately owned Probate divisions in New South Wales, so we are well experienced with Probate, Wills and Estates.
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Wills & Estates documents.
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Thank you so much once again for all the hard work you put in to the case. I know you say it was your job but my interpretation of just doing a job is far from what you demonstrated throughout your time. I just feel I cannot thank you or express my thanks enough for what you have done.
Our firm is uniquely placed to provide quality, up to date wills and estates advice being one of the largest privately owned Probate firms in New South Wales. We keep simple wills simple and have the experience and resources to both defend and commence contested estates proceedings in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Prime Lawyers will provide you with the best advice for your particular circumstances.
Peter Murphy - Managing Partner, Head of Division