Prime Lawyers was built on debt recovery and litigation. We act for big and small business working with and assisting credit managers and financial officers take control of their accounts receivable and debtors. Our Debt Recovery and Litigation Lawyers work hand in hand with mercantile and debt recovery agencies to provide an efficient and cost effective solution to recover debt and manage credit. From small claims, caveat and security advice, to District Court, Supreme Court and Federal Court work including bankruptcy and corporate winding up. In litigation we are experienced in acting for both plaintiffs and defendants in all Courts in New South Wales including appellate jurisdictions.
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I was impressed by the advice I was given. It was concise, easy to understand and would achieve my legal outcome in my favour.
Recovering money through the Court requires an understanding of the law both in practice and theory. By understanding the history and facts of your case, the law and your end goal we are able to provide you with the various options open to you, weighing up the costs, risks and time involved in each action.
Daniel Riedstra - Partner