Our Assault Lawyers Sydney have represented hundreds of clients facing various types of assault charges over the years.
We are experienced Criminal Lawyers Sydney and NSW based that are known for successfully defending assault charges in Courts all throughout the Sydney Metro and broader NSW.
We have assisted many clients in avoiding criminal convictions, either by successfully defending charges or negotiating lesser charges and then obtaining a non-conviction on sentence.
Charges vary from common assault, to assault occasioning actual bodily harm to more serious assaults such as malicious wounding. Often, when laying a charge of common assault NSW Police do so as a “back up” charge to more serious offences, which often means that clients originally face multiple charges as a result of one incident.
In those circumstances, our experienced criminal solicitors have the ability to defend more serious charges through self-defence or by showing that the police cannot prove that our client caused the alleged injury. Sometimes, we are able to persuade the police before the matter goes to Court that they cannot prove the more serious offence and are able to negotiate a plea of “guilty” to common assault, instead. This can often prove the difference between going to gaol and at times, avoiding a criminal conviction.
Most assault charges are dealt with in the Local Court, however, it must be understood that all assault charges are conspired to be serious in nature and it is therefore important to obtain the services of an experienced criminal lawyer when going to Court.
Our criminal lawyers have the necessary knowledge, experience and advocacy skills to defend the most difficult allegations and also, competently represent people charged with the most serious of assault offences. (For further information on the services we provide, feel free to peruse our section on Assault Charges NSW)
Assault offences often go hand in hand with AVOs and domestic violence. We employ criminal lawyers with special expertise in AVO matters. When a domestic AVO Application is combined with an assault charge, there is an added level of complexity when it is being defended, so it is important to obtain the services of an experienced domestic violence lawyer in these circumstances.
Our lawyers work from our Sydney head office and are also available from our other various office locations. This means that we can meet with clients at various locations for their convenience and attend most major NSW Courts.
If you have been charged with an assault offence of any kind, we invite you to contact us to speak to one of our Assault Lawyers Sydney, Parramatta, Chatswood, Sutherland or Wollongong.